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Who We Are

Wired Broadband, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit advocating for the benefits of hard-wired, high-speed Internet access, a superior technology compared to wireless communications. We are working on many fronts (education, advocacy, and legal) to assure that enduring hard-wired Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) is available to all Americans. Governments mistakenly believe that wireless is the fastest option and better choice.  It is not.

We support wired broadband in the name of: 

  • Faster transmission speed

  • Reality of Internet access

  • Neighborhood aesthetics

  • National Cybersecurity

  • Preserving human health from ambient radiation

  • Neutrality of Internet access

  • Digital Equity

  • Personal privacy

  • Protecting the biological ecosystem

  • Safety & fire prevention 

  • Value for the money for all users

  • Resiliency in extreme weather events

  • Reducing climate impacts from this sector

  • Equality in high-speed Internet access

  • Energy efficiency

  • Supporting health in patients with chronic illnesses (who account for 75% of health care costs)

  • Reducing climate impacts from this sector

  • Preserving the hard-earned equity in peoples' homes ​

  • Quality of voice communications

  • Supporting physical and cognitive health in the elderly

  • Supporting children's health

  • Making enduring tech choices not prone to rapid and costly obsolescence

  • Preserving the sanctity of neighborhoods with revered churches, temples, mosques, and landmark historic buildings

  • Protecting parks as a place of biological peace and refuge

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Featured News

ALERT: Thousands of Jumbo 5G Antennas Proposed for New York City in sections of Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.

Wired Broadband, Inc. and other groups oppose... 
[Read More]

Featured News

"Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks"
by Timothy Schoechle, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy. Wireless networks are not as fast secure, reliable, or energy, efficient as wired networks, says a new report...[Read More]


“We must insist on ‘future proof technology’...Wireless may be a last resort option in the most isolated areas, but it should not be a first resort for most of America..."

- Tom Wheeler, former Chairman, Federal Communications Commission and former CEO, CTIA

Hear it from experts

Learn about wireless health risks and the superior hardware alternatives

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International EMF Scientist Appeal on Electromagnetic Fields, Martin Blank, PhD, Columbia University

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Commonwealth Club of California, Karl Maret, MD, "Humanity at a Crossroads: New Insights into Technology Risks"

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Timothy Schoechle, PhD,  Presentation on fiber to Queens Community Board 1

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Devra Davis, PhD, Presentation on wireless tech risks at The University of Melbourne

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Trialogue on "Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks"

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Engineer Jeromy Johnson's TEDx talk on health risks of wireless technologies

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Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD,  Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE)

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Frank Clegg, former President, Microsoft Canada, on 5G

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We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit advocating for the benefits of hard-wired, high-speed Internet access using Fiber To The Premises (FTTP), a superior technology that outperforms wireless in both speed and performance without the health and environmental risks of wireless radiation.


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©2022 by Wired Broadband Inc. 

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